Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ragada Patties

Ragada Patties one of the famous bambaiya/ mumbai recipe is brought by me however i don't know much but as i read it tastes yummy so lets prepare it.



  1. Chick peas 1 cup soaked overnight, cooked with salt and mashed a bit

  2. Tomato 1 pureed

  3. Turmeric Powder 1/2 tsp

  4. Garam Masala powder 1tsp

  5. Red chilly powder 3/4 tsp

  6. Cumin powder 1/2 tsp

  7. Coriander powder 1/2 tsp

  8. Salt to taste

  9. Oil few tsp for cooking


  1. Potatoes cooked and mashed 4 medium sized

  2. Garlic chopped finely 1 tsp

  3. Green chilies chopped finely 1 tsp

  4. Ajwain ¼ tsp

  5. Salt to taste

  6. Oil to brush up the patties before baking

Tamarind chutney

Extract juice of marble sized tamarind & raisins [4 to 5, soaked previously in water] in half cup of water & discard fibers left any. Add red chilly powder, cumin powder [¼ tsp each] to it & salt to taste. Microwave this for 20 to 30 seconds. I make this way instead of making in large quantities.



Add pureed tomatoes in a sauce pan and cook for a while. Add all the spice mixtures & salt to it. Now add the cooked chick peas, a cup of water & let the boil come. Mash the chick peas while stirring.

Mix all the ingredients together except oil. Make patties of any shape. I baked these patties for 30 minutes turning them in between at 375F. This is usually done by drizzling few drops of oil on a tawa / pan, placing these tikis on the tawa & frying on both sides. I thought of cutting down oil content.
Place these tikis on a serving plate. Add the Ragada on top of it. Drizzle few drops of tamarind chutney & curd. Garnish with chopped onions, coriander leaves and green chilies. I did not have sev to garnish. That definitely gives a good taste.